In your daily activities, it is possible for something to happen, where you will need to see our dentist before your regular dental checkup. Anything that necessitates an urgent visit to the dental clinic can be considered to be a dental emergency. There are different kinds of dental emergencies, it is highly critical that you visit the dentist's office if you think you need immediate dental care. Dental emergencies need to be dealt with at the earliest opportunity to prevent the worsening of the condition. You will also need expert intervention which you will get from the team of specialists at our facility.
Knocked-out tooth
This is one of the most common dental emergencies that requires prompt medical attention. You can suffer from a knocked-out tooth if you are involved in contact sports, if you fall from a bicycle, or fall down the stairs. Whatever the cause of the knocked-out tooth, you should come immediately to the clinic so that we can start corrective procedures to save your tooth.
Severe Toothache
Acute pain in your tooth is a major cause of discomfort and it signifies that you have a major dental problem. Therefore, coming to the office will be the great first step in diagnosing your condition and finding the right treatment for you. When you come to the office, we have a team of dentists who are always at hand to assist you to restore your dental health to live a fruitful life.
Chipped or cracked tooth
Dental problems such as a chipped or cracked tooth can lead to severe consequences if not treated early. It can cause you to lose the tooth which might require restorative procedures. Therefore, if you have just chipped your tooth, do not wait any longer. Call our offices to talk to one of our dentists who will provide you with further information.
Dental Blog | Dentist Salem, OR | Fairmount Dental Center Fairmount Dental Center has created this dental blog to help patients and the community. Click to learn more about dental procedures, home care and more! Fairmount Dental Center, 1524 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302-4310 ~ (503) 362-8364 ~ ~ 2/10/2025 ~ Related Terms: dentist Salem OR ~