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Signs You May Have a Cavity

Posted on 6/23/2018 by Fairmount Dental Center
Cavities Fairmount Dental Center OR 97302-4310Do you have a cavity in any of your teeth right now? Would you know if you did? Some people are great about coming in to get their teeth checked out like clockwork. Others have such busy schedules that making time for a cleaning and exam is more difficult.

Those who see us consistently likely do not have any cavities that would be problematic or that we have not addressed.

However, those that haven't seen us in the last six months may have a problem. Here are a few symptoms to help you know if you could have one lurking.

Symptoms That Come with Cavities

Typically, the first sign that you have a cavity is a toothache. This could be dull and barely there, or you could get woken up from a solid sleep with acute tooth pain. It all depends on the size of the cavity and its location.

You can manage the pain with over the counter pain relievers, most of the time, until you can get seen, but do not ignore this pain.

You may also notice that your tooth suddenly gets sensitive to cold or heat. When teeth suddenly get sensitive, it is the sign that the temperature is able to get directly in contact with the dentin in your teeth. If you want to help avoid getting overly sensitive teeth, you need to make sure that you get cavities treated as soon as they show up.

Cavities are easy to treat when they first appear. If you wait to treat them, they get bigger and can expose your mouth to much bigger problems. Make sure to come in and see us as soon as either of these symptoms appear. The sooner we can look at your tooth, the sooner we can figure out what is causing your pain and treat the problem.
Map of Fairmount Dental Center - Salem Dentist

Our Office Address:

1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

Business Hours:

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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Fairmount Dental Center Green Plant - Salem Dentist
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