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Brushing Before Bed Needs to Be Part of Your Daily Routine

Posted on 5/25/2017 by Fairmount Dental Center
A woman brushing her teeth before bed.
Brushing at least twice a day is essential for your oral health. Did you know, though, that at least one of those times needs to be right before bed? Now, understandably, you're tired. You had a long hard day. The only thing you can think about is falling into your bed and finally getting some sleep. But don't hit the sack until you brush your teeth first.

Remove Buildup
During the day, plaque, a sticky film that covers your teeth, builds up. So, too, do leftover food particles and sugars from drinks. If you eat right before you go to bed without brushing, you risk leaving these lingering particles in your mouth, creating a midnight feast for oral bacteria. Once you brush for the night, be sure not to eat or drink anything, except for water.

Kill Bacteria
Speaking of bacteria, brushing right before bed minimizes the overall amount. The less bacteria you have in your mouth before you go to sleep, the less likely you are to develop tooth decay and gum disease.

You Produce Less Saliva at Night
While saliva is important for the first stages of digestion, it also plays an important role in your oral health. Saliva is your mouth's natural defense mechanism against bacteria, as it contains enzymes that kill them. At night, your body produces less saliva.

If you don't brush before bed, you risk creating the perfect environment for bacteria to grow - warm, slightly moist and full of food. By eliminating a good majority of the bacteria in your mouth by brushing right before bed, you can minimize the effect of less saliva.

Don't Forget to Floss

Flossing is just as important as brushing. Floss allows you to get the hard to reach spaces between your teeth and just below the gum line. By joining flossing with brushing right before bed, you are setting your mouth up for a safer sleep.

Maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine, including a brushing session right before bed, is crucial to the health of your teeth and gums. With proper brushing, you will ensure a bright, beautiful, healthy smile for many years.

Please contact our office if you have any questions about your oral health.
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1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

Business Hours:

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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