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Important Things to Bring Up to Your Hygienist

Posted on 12/25/2016 by Fairmount Dental Center
A woman talking with her hygienist about her oral health.
Seeing your dentist often also means seeing your hygienist. This means that they are going to take a few moments and make sure that everything in your chart is current, and that everything in your mouth feels the same to you.

If you are going to see your dentist, make sure you bring up anything that may be different, as that can make your time at the dentist a lot easier and safer.

Talking to Your Hygienist is Easy

These are all important things to make sure your hygienist knows. If you are currently taking any medications, make sure you know their names, frequencies, and doses. This could impact your oral health. The same goes if you recently stopped taking medications, as they will need to know the date you stopped using them.

Next, if you have noticed any lumps or bumps in your mouth, bleeding, or tenderness during your normal dental routine. This is important to bring up so they can take a better look in those areas. You may have noticed something on your own that would be too small for them to see unless they were specifically looking for it, so keep track of these things.

If your mouth feels different than the last time you were there, tell them that, too. You want to bring up anything that is sensitive, and to what, anything that is rough, or anything that is dry. All of these are important notations to have in your file, so make sure to bring them up when you go.

Seeing your dentist regularly allows you to be able to keep your mouth as healthy as possible. Make sure you are actively taking part in keeping yourself healthy, too, by bringing these things up to your hygienist when you see them.

Please contact us if you have any questions about your oral health.
Map of Fairmount Dental Center - Salem Dentist

Our Office Address:

1524 Commercial St S.E.
Salem, OR 97302

p: (503) 362-8364

Business Hours:

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

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Fairmount Dental Center Green Plant - Salem Dentist
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Fairmount Dental Center, 1524 Commercial St. SE, Salem, OR 97302-4310 • (503) 362-8364 • • 2/10/2025 • Associated Words: dentist Salem OR •